페이지 정보


이준호 교수

공주대학교 광공학과

Optics for MI Engineers

This short course aims to introduce various optical theories and some practical techniques to new-coming field MI (Metrology/Inspection) engineers, required for understanding key optical aspects applied in semiconductor lithography MI process. This course will discuss optical theories including geometrical optics with aberration theory, wave/Fourier optics, electro-magnetic optics and thin-film optics. Then, based on the theories, working principles of key optical MI technologies will be presented, which will be followed by the quick introduction of recently reported new optical MI techniques (TSOM, Plenoptics, digital holography, etc.).

1. Quick look on lithography process & overall MI technologies (1/2hr)

  1) Lithography process

  2) Overall MI Technologies

2. Optics for understanding the MI technologies (1hr)

  1) Geometrical optics

  2) Wave & Fourier optics

  3) Electro-magnetic optics & Thin-film optics

  4) Illumination

  5) Light interaction with micro/nano particles (scattering)

3. Working principles of key optical MI technologies (1hr)

  1) Defect Review/wafer inspection: Patterned/Unpatterned/Macro inspection

  2) Lithography metrology: overlay, CD

  3) Some special techniques: TSOM, Plenoptics, Digital holography, etc.

Jun Ho Lee is a professor of the Optical Engineering Department at Kongju National University. He received his BSc degree from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1994, and his MSc and PhD degrees from London University in 1995 and 1999, respectively. He had been a research professor at the Satellite Technology Research Center (SaTReC), KAIST until 2005 and has been at the Department of Optical Engineering, Kongju National University since then. His research interests include lens/illumination design, optical instrumentation, and adaptive optics for astronomical and industrial uses. He has been involved in the developments of various semiconductor MI tools applied to patterned wafer inspection, mask/pellicle inspec tion, wafer edge inspection, and overlay.

리소그래피 분과

학회 사무국 : 010-3755-6870

대표 이메일 : 2024ngl.contact@gmail.com

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